Teacher training and other courses

Move forward with Movement Intelligence in the UK!

Your learning continuum…

Attending a class with one of our qualified teachers may inspire you to start your own regular practice at home. With regular practice of the Bones for Life processes you will begin to experience higher levels of energy, and a greater ability to relax and cope with stress.

A typical class consists of simple but effective movement processes which:

  • Awaken and enliven the body
  • Develop postural integrity, flexibility and stability
  • Stimulate bone health
  • Improve core ability
  • Improve balance
  • Reduce tension and stiffness.

Bones for Life makes use of external surfaces such as the floor, walls and chairs, 1lb ankle/wrist weights, and a multi-purpose cloth wrap which provides a stabilising exoskeleton to enhance all functional movement, and works as a crown to enhance weight-bearing posture.


In Silvia’s short modules we learn more about MI themes and strategies and how to practise and incorporate them into everyday movements. This autumn she will be running two modules:

An Introduction to Bones for Life

Ruthy Alon created “Bones for Life” to help one move and align the body so that the forces between the earth and gravity travel optimally through the bones. Based on the Feldenkrais approach to exploration of healthy movement, this is the first of Ruthy Alon’s five Movement Intelligence programmes.

Three sessions of one and a half hours each, on Zoom. Thursdays October 10th, 17th and 24th: 9 to 10.30 am. Cost: £50.

An Introduction to Solutions for Optimal Mobility: self-care strategies for harmonious and efficient movement

In this programme we will address different parts of the body as well as Posture and Equilibrium. This is the fifth of Ruthy Alon’s five Movement Intelligence programmes.

Five sessions of one hour each, on Zoom. Thursdays November 14th, 21st, 28th, December 5th and 12th: 9 to 10 am. Cost: £60.

For bookings contact Silvia at movement@sgray.today

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Bones for Life TTC 2025-2026 – only a few places left!

Marye’s next Bones for Life teacher training course will run from January 2025 to October 2026. This will be taught online, with two residential weekends.

For further information, including a prospectus, contact Marye: maryewyvill@hotmail.com

Whether you want to become a Bones for Life teacher, incorporate MI principles into your own professional practice, or for your own personal development, you will find Bones for Life an empowering, energising and balancing approach to vitality, health and well-being.

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